Short: PatchBrain v1.43 for VirusExecutor v2.23+
Author: (Jan Erik Olausen)
Uploader: (Jan Erik Olausen)
Version: 1.43
Type: util/virus
Replaces: util/virus/VEPatchBrain.*
Requires: VirusExecutor v2.23+
How to Install the PatchBrain:
Just copy the file 'VirusExecutor.PatchBrain' to the same drawer VirusExecutor
is located and restart VirusExecutor...
Changes since last version:
Added notifyintuition.library v3.3
Changed name: MagicASL to PatchAsl
Added atapi.device v120.3
Renamed some patches that was by workbench.library
Added ppc.library v46.32
Added 3 more patches to the 68040.library
Remember.. If you have unknown patches, please let me know so I can
add them to the patch brain :)
The author